2024 Packages Ready to be Snapped-up!
Choose from our Offers or Request our Expertise for a Tailor-Made Quote
We work closely with our trusted and highly experienced suppliers to offer packages for each destination. Covering everything you need from the moment you land in Libreville, Gabon's capital, to moment you depart.
We also specialise in tailor-made combination packages for those keen to adventure in more than one park.
Being off the beaten track, Gabon is not a budget destination. Exploring into its nature and astounding beauty is a logistical challenge that our experienced suppliers are masters at, offering domestic flights when possible, and comfortable alternatives when not.
Guests who are frequent travellers in Gabon, or adept at navigating through Western Africa, are of course welcome to arrange their own logistics for arriving to our destinations. We will help you with all of your needs so you can concentrate on the wonder that is Gabon!
Contact us for more information and a tailor-made quote for your desired number of nights.
Choose your destination below and let's go!